MUST University launches its much-awaited Faculty Hiring Program

MUST University launches its much-awaited Faculty Enrollment Program for teachers, professors, industry experts and thought leaders.


MUST University launched its much-awaited Faculty Enrollment Program in October 2010. The program offers opportunities for full-time and part-time teachers, professors, industry experts and thought leaders to teach remotely – allowing them freedom in terms of not only location but also time. The Faculty Enrollment Program helps MUST University provide its students with quality education online, accessible by everyone regardless of their physical location.


Teachers, professors, industry experts and thought leaders who would like to undertake an additional teaching responsibility may apply for the program under the Adjunct Faculty Enrollment Program. It is a part-time commitment allowing adjunct faculty to develop their academic career as they design and develop courses for students coming from a diverse background, ensuring an enriched teaching experience.


More advanced, postgraduate-level individuals already teaching at recognized institutes are invited to apply for the Permanent Faculty Enrollment Program. Applicants for Permanent Faculty must hold a Master's or Ph.D. in their field of study, as well as relevant teaching experience.


MUST University Communications Director, Brian Reeves says, "Instructing and examining such a diverse set of students on the web is a unique challenge that applicants will need to address in their telephonic interview, if they make it to that stage," quipped Reeves.


Upon approval and appointment, MUST University Faculty will receive their faculty kit. At the same time, their co-branded web page will also be activated online.


Geraldine Durand, a MUST University alumnus said this was an innovative program as it paves the way for continuous improvement and development. "At the time of my graduation last year," she said, "I had fewer choices in terms of courses and modules, as they were focusing on fewer courses to ensure quality. "With the Partnership Program, the university becomes an open platform, much like Wikipedia – always evolving into something better."


Details of the program, along with application forms, are available at the following website:


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The program fees shown above of other Universities is only for information purposes and was taken on August 11, 2012 from their respective websites.